One comment on “Memories

  1. LOL!
    My heart skipped a beat and started racing reading this entry 😉
    I decided to check out your WordPress because l wanted something refreshing; away from all the study and work l have to do lol and l found just that~ Thanks a lot for this post! Haha l remember all those things that you described too ;D And l remember Mr Tupper’s bird was called ‘Jacko’ – memorised it just incase he asked and awarded people a macadamia nut xD … its a shame that it died; l didnt hear much after left though

    Haha one of these days, l’ll tell you why my Primary experience was bad ^^” l guess lm the one to blame too really haha l was very …prideful back then, very violent and ill-tempered lol l think knowing that has made me grown to respect & acknowledge what a childhood l’ve had ><
    Anyways l dont know if you're still sick now; but hope you've gotten all better! Man, lm so sorry for such lags – l really have to check your WordPress more often~ but then again, lve been struggling to make time to do anything lately ;(

    Anyways ;D off to read about the dollfie meetup you had! Looking forward to it a lot <33

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